National Flood, Fire and Cyclone Appeal – Please give

To all Lions, Leo and Lioness Clubs – Multiple District 201, Australia – Please give consideration to this Appeal

With the approval of Council Chairman Malcolm Peters, the Australian Lions Foundation Ltd has initiated a “National Appeal” in support of those affected by the recent flood waters which have inundated parts of Queensland, and the fires still burning in New South Wales and Victoria. Many homes have been lost in both the floods and fires. Cyclone Marcus has passed over Darwin, also leaving a path of destruction.

Emergency Grants are available from the Foundation for all Districts impacted as initial support and we will administer the funds received from the Appeal direct with the Districts. The Foundation has already provided $100,000 to District Q2 to assist with the relief efforts for Ingham and surrounding areas. Contact has been made with all other impacted Districts and Governors are assessing their needs.

It is sad to see so many impacted with all these events and this includes members of our Lions family. Houses lost through fire, severe damage as a result of the floods and damage through cyclone winds… it impacts the basics of our lives.

Clubs who wish to donate can follow the normal procedure and send your cheques direct to your Cabinet Treasurer who will process through to the Australian Lions Foundation. The public may also donate direct to the Foundation by using the “GiveNow link” button on the Multiple District Website and the Australian Lions Foundation Website. All public donations received over $2 are tax deductible. Please consider your support to this appeal to help those in need throughout our impacted areas.

If you require further information, please contact your State ALF Director

Attachment: 1.Newsflash-Flood,Fire, Cyclone


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Lions Club of Nunadwading

District 201V5, Victoria, Australia

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