Annual Golf Day with ‘Restoring Hope’ who help sexually abused Children

201V5 Lions Club Members are invited to attend this incredible charity event – an annual fund raising golf day to be held at the RACV Healsville Golf Club on the 10th of November. Below is a flyer advertising the event and you can find more informatiuoon the Charity website:

Restoring Hope, a Melbourne based charity, has a mission to help children who have been sexually abused. They work directly with the police who distribute Crisis Care Packs and Comfort Care Packs to young people who have been abused. The Packs provide new clothes (necessary for when the police remove clothing for forensic testing), toiletries, a blanket, a colouring book, pencils and a “Hope” teddy bear. The aim is to use this simple act to bring some comfort and a sense of normality to a life that has been turned upside down, and restore a sense of dignity and hope at a time when it is needed most.

Please share this event on your Social Media stream and respective Facebook page.



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Lions Club of Nunadwading

District 201V5, Victoria, Australia

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